News Listing
March 16, 2025Explore SF State Day is for admitted students and their families to come and visit campus, see their prospective departments…
February 17, 2025In 2024, we welcomed five new Assistant Professors to our department, each bringing new research and teaching specialities w…
February 10, 2025SFSU researchers have published a step-by-step tutorial for applying machine learning to drug resistance Antimicrobial resis…
February 03, 2025The University will collaborate with other universities and two national labs to train students for the renewable energy wor…
January 02, 2025In 2024 our faculty and students published over 60 ground-breaking research articles, across a wide range of disciplines. Ou…
December 23, 2024In 2024 our faculty and students published over 60 ground-breaking research articles, across a wide range of disciplines. In…
December 16, 2024Student research at SFSU leads to a new article on frog calls and deadly infections in the journal Behavioral Ecology and So…
October 22, 2024Two new papers could help improve understanding of octopus arm function, development, evolution and more Octopuses are fasci…
April 18, 2024The SF State Biology professor is being honored for bacterial research into gene expression and health equity For San Franci…
April 26, 2023Science communicator Yimy Antonio Villa (M.S., ’21) tells today’s students it’s never too late to finish what you started In…
April 17, 2023Earth Week 2023 runs from April 17 to 21, and members of the SF State community are gearing up to celebrate. Among the festi…
April 17, 2023Let’s Go Chasing Waterfalls (and Wildflowers and Mushrooms California has been pummeled by storms in recent months, but the…
March 30, 2023SFSU Alumni! Dr. Carter Clinton At a centuries-old African American cemetery, geneticist and National Geographic Explorer Ca…
March 20, 2023SF State professor, students describe how a deadly fungus began spreading among amphibians in Africa over the last 165 years…
February 27, 2023Professor Blake Riggs reflects on training the next generation of scientists, his proudest accomplishment as a scientist How…
February 22, 2023Study Biology in the Tahoe National Forest this summer at SF State’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus. Registration is now open fo…
December 02, 2022The 2019 film “The Last Black Man in San Francisco” opens with a young Black girl happily skipping up to a man in a hazmat s…
October 20, 2022Jacoby Clark hopes to bridge entomology and social justice as an inaugural Public Health Entomology for All fellow Graduat…
October 11, 2022SF State researchers say databases used by law enforcement could contain private information about individuals, including cr…
September 29, 2022Climate Justice Leaders Initiative takes interdisciplinary approach to tackle multifaceted climate crisis San Francisco Stat…
September 14, 2022Wilfred Denetclaw shifted from cell biology to epidemiology to understand how COVID-19 impacted his community “I was raised…
August 22, 2022Edgar Velazquez says SF State helped him become a physician who could serve his community “I am proof mentoring works,” says…
June 30, 2022New data is the first to support a difficult-to-test hypothesis for the evolution of sex determination found in some insects…
June 30, 2022Dr. Zheng-Hui He in the Department of Biology has an ongoing collaboration with Living Carbon to engineer poplar trees that…
June 01, 2022Want a job in biotech? The first step is to get into college and study science. But what’s the second step? Moving directly…
May 25, 2022SF State alumna Chinomnso Okorie is using community-engaged research to fight health disparities in her hometown The 2019 fi…
April 21, 2022SF State students and faculty aim to bring hope to the climate change conversation with a celebration Talking about climate…
March 14, 2022Three researchers received NSF funding in support of their research efforts and commitment to STEM education The National Sc…
February 09, 2022San Francisco State University Associate Professor of Biology Robyn Crook has been named an Allen Distinguished Investigator…
January 03, 2022Check out the new paper by Dr. Sarah Cohen and colleagues, who evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of remote summer resea…
December 08, 2021Biology professor Andrea Swei attended the COP26 conference in Glasgow and shares a few key takeaways Politicians, scientist…
December 07, 2021When she was a fourth-year Biology student at San Francisco State University, Daniela Sanchez knew she wanted to be a resear…
November 24, 2021In the late 1980s, when HIV treatments were first introduced, patients would often develop resistance to those treatments wi…
June 17, 2021Dear Friends, Happy Summer! We made it! Though the Spring semester was a long haul with continued hardships for so many peo…
February 05, 2021COVID19 Vaccine Information Webinar On February 5, 2021, SF BUILD presented their COVID-19 Vaccine Informational Webinar via…
September 29, 2020Apply online by October 16, 2020 for spring 2021 graduation. Make sure your Degree Progress Report (DPR) is up to date. If y…
September 28, 2020Due to COVID-19, all Biology classes except BIOL 897 will be offered remotely in fall 2020 & spring 2021. The department…
San Francisco State University Associate Professor of Biology Robyn Crook has been named an Allen Distinguished Investigator…
The Cherry Award from Baylor University is a distinguished award given to outstanding teachers from various institutions by…