Black Excellence in STEM (BE-STEM) is a student organization located at San Francisco State University focused on supporting African American/Black students in science, technology, engineering, and math. Our mission is "to empower and support Black STEM students through community!" We will be providing mentoring, various outreach opportunities in the SF Bay Area community, networking opportunities, and future career planning in STEM skills. Currently, we cater to Black students in undergraduate, graduate, and post-baccalaureate programs at SF State.
- BE-STEM Email: bestemsfsu@gmail.com
- BE-STEM Facebook
- BE-STEM Instagram
- BE-STEM Twitter

Pre-Veterinary Society at SF State
Interested in Veterinary Medicine? Join the PVS at SF State! Our goal is to support students on their journey into vet med and create a place on campus for students to share their passions for animals. This organization provides resources, information, and assistance to students interested in the veterinary medical field!
- PVS Website
- Pre-Veterinary Email: pvs.sfsu@gmail.com

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) at SF State is an inclusive and academic student organization that strives to advance the academic, professional and leadership qualities of our students, especially those with underrepresented backgrounds. We host informal social events within the departments of STEM and collaborate with other student and professional organizations. We hold outreach events where we collaborate with local elementary and high schools, showing them the ins and outs of college and how to bring about the most of their college experience. And finally, we hold workshops that involve computational training, networking and help with academic applications or documents for graduate school, fellowships, scholarships, etc.
- SACNAS Email: sfsusacnas@gmail.com
- SACNAS Facebook
- SACNAS Instagram
- SACNAS Twitter

WISE - Women in Science & Engineering
The SF State Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program supports students, faculty, and staff in the areas of science, mathematics, and engineering. The SF State WISE program promotes the impact of women on science, mathematics, and engineering professions, as well as attempts to increase the number of women pursuing a career in these fields at the local, regional, and national levels. The program aims to provide opportunities for all College of Science and Engineering (CoSE) faculty, staff, and students to learn from prominent women scientists and each other through presentations, workshops, and mentoring communities.
- WISE Email: sfsuwise@gmail.com
- WISE Instagram
- Wise Scholarship
- Donate Now

Association of Biology Students
The Association of Biology Students (ABS) is a student organization providing a place for students to have an active voice within the Biology department. The purpose of ABS is to provide a forum for healthy dialogue amongst graduate and undergraduate students with the Biology faculty. This organization will serve as a platform for building a long-lasting and cohesive relationship between the department and the students. The functions of this club include but are not limited to: hosting graduation, conferences, fundraising, mentoring, professional development, and community.
- Instagram: @abssfsu

Pre-Dental Society
The Pre-Dental Society at SF State strives to serve as a resource for students who are interested in pursuing dentistry as a professional career. As a club, we provide opportunities on community outreach, shadowing programs, Kaplan workshops, and dental education.
- Pre-Dental Society Email: sfsu.pds@gmail.com
- Pre-Dental Instagram
- Pre-Dental Society Facebook
- Pre-Dental Twitter

The Pre-Physician Assistant Society welcomes students interested in the Pre-PA or health profession to build a positive and collaborative community where students can share resources, build relationships, and encourage one another to become future healthcare professionals! Join us Mondays 7-8pm to tune into guest speakers, CASPA application tips, volunteer events (CPR certification, breast cancer walks, Golden Gate Park clean-up, and more!). Join our active Discord community with SFSU pre-PA alumni and current Pre-PA students below and follow our Instagram for event updates!
- Join our Discord here!
- Instagram @sfsuppas
- Email sfsuppas@gmail.com
Check out our website

For those interested in medical school or any healthcare field, we are a pre-med club that's dedicated to helping you enhance your medical school application! We strive to create a community at SF State that helps students along their pre-medical journey. This includes discussing the MCAT and graduate program requirements, taking advantage of opportunities, and learning how to become a more competitive applicant. During our weekly meetings, members have the chance the connect and speak with guest speakers/physicians from different fields, join study sessions, engage in workshops, listen to informational presentations about community volunteering, and more. Be a part of our club in person, over Zoom, and on Discord.
- Instagram: @fpc_sfsu
- Email: @fpcsfsu@gmail.com
- Website: https://fpcsfsu.wixsite.com/future-physicians-cl