
Below you'll find information about scholarships, fellowships, and funding opportunities for Biology Undergraduate and Graduate Students. We highly recommend that you begin by first contacting a counselor at the SFSU Financial Aid office. They will help you apply for the most available general forms of financial aid, including grants, scholarships, loans, and part-time employment.


Deadline: 5 p.m., April 1, 2021 (Thursday)

The Department of Biology is soliciting applications for the BioLuminaries Award. BioLuminaries Awards provide funds for students to work in a research lab in the department for summer 2021. The awardee will be paid $16.07 per hour and will work 40 hours per week over a 10-week period.

3 - BioLuminaries Awards will be awarded: The James Duncan BioLuminary Award is restricted to students who demonstrate a passion for plants. The ABS BioLuminary and Felipe Andres Ramirez-Weber BioLuminary Awards have no restrictions. Only a single application is necessary, applicants will be considered for all BioLuminary Awards.



  1. The applicant must be a bachelor’s or master’s degree candidate, in any concentration in biology.
  2. The student must be enrolled full-time in Spring 2021 and undergraduate applicants must have completed a minimum of 28 units required for the concentration.
  3. Students must be enrolled at SFSU for Fall 2021.
  4. Applications will be evaluated according to academic merit, ability to communicate research, and the impact of the award.



  1. Unofficial, current transcripts for all previous and current undergraduate and graduate (if applicable) work.
  2. An essay of less than 1000 words covering the following topics: (a) a description of your research goals for the duration of the award; (b) your professional goals; and (c) the impact the scholarship would have on your life.
  3. One letter of support from an SFSU Biology faculty member who will mentor the student. The recommendation should indicate the faculty member’s familiarity with the student, the student’s academic performance, and any research, volunteer, or other relevant experiences.


* Applications and recommendations must be submitted by email to
* Questions? Contact the Biology Department via e-mail at



Deadline: 5 p.m., April 16, 2021 (Friday)
Applications and recommendations must be submitted via Academic Works

Dr. John S. Hensill (d. 1998) joined the Biology faculty in 1947. While at SF State, he co-wrote a text "Biology of Man" and taught human biology and marine and invertebrate biology.  Dr. Hensill served as Chair of the Division of Biology in the late 1950s. In 1969, Dean Hensill oversaw the rapid growth of SF State's School of Natural Sciences (now the College of Science and Engineering). During his tenure, the physical science (Thornton Hall) and life science (Hensill Hall) buildings were built.  He retired in 1975.

The Department of Biology is soliciting applications for the following undergraduate scholarships: 3 - John Hensill Scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $2,000 each to a bachelor’s degree candidate in any concentration in biology.  Awards will be distributed in Fall 2021.


  1. The applicant must be a bachelor’s degree candidate, in any concentration in biology.
  2. The student must be enrolled full-time in Spring 2021 and have completed a minimum of 28 units required for the concentration.
  3. The applicant must have a minimum SFSU GPA of 3.0.
  4. Applications will be evaluated according to academic merit, communication skills, and scholarship impact.


  1. A completed application form (available online in mid-February at Academic Works and search for “Hensill Scholarship”).
  2. Unofficial, current transcripts for all previous and current undergraduate work.
  3. An essay of less than 1000 words covering the following topics: (a) your future goals and how SFSU is helping you achieve them; (b) a brief statement describing any financial support that you are receiving from the university or other sources; and (c) the impact the scholarship would have on your life.
  4. Recommendation from a SFSU Biology faculty member. The recommendation should indicate the faculty member’s familiarity with the student, the student’s academic performance, and any research, volunteer, or other relevant experiences.

Applications and recommendations must be submitted via Academic Works
Academic Works Scholarship 101 workshop

Questions? Contact the Biology Department via e-mail at <>

Deadline: 5 p.m., April 16, 2021 (Friday)
Applications and recommendations must be submitted via Academic Works

Dr. Janis Kuby (d. 1996) received her Ph.D. in 1978 from the University of Califiornia, Berkeley and joined SF State's Biology faculty in 1979.  Her teaching and research accomplishments in Immunology were widely recognized.  She was the author of three editions of an Immunology textbook (first published in 1997) which gave a comprehensive introduction to the principles and research in the field.  The quality of the original textbook was so great newer editions have been continued in Janis Kuby's name by a trio of authors.  As one of her students (Elizabeth Crabb Breen) later wrote, "Janis Kuby will never be forgotten by anyone who has ever had the benefit of her knowledge and love of immunology, either face-to-face, or through her writing."

The Department of Biology is soliciting applications for:  1 - Janis Kuby Memorial Scholarship to be awarded in the amount of $2,000 to provide a scholarship for significant achievement to a bachelor’s degree candidate in Microbiology or Cell & Molecular Biology, especially those with disadvantaged backgrounds.



  1. The applicant must be a bachelor’s degree candidate, in Microbiology or Cell & Molecular Biology (MCMB) programs.
  2. The student must be enrolled at least half-time (6 units) in Spring and Fall 2021 and have completed a minimum of 28 units required for the concentration.
  3. The applicant must have a minimum SFSU GPA of 3.0.
  4. Applications will be evaluated according to academic merit, communication skills, and scholarship impact.



  1. A completed application form (available online in mid-February at Academic Works and search for “Kuby”).
  2. Unofficial, current transcripts for all undergraduate work.
  3. An essay of less than 1000 words covering the following topics: (a) your future goals and how a degree in MCMB programs at SFSU is helping you achieve them; (b) a brief statement describing any financial support that you are receiving from the university or other sources; and (c) the impact the scholarship would have on your life.
  4. Recommendation from a SFSU Biology faculty member. The recommendation should indicate the faculty member’s familiarity with the student, the student’s academic performance, and any research, volunteer, or other relevant experiences.

Applications and recommendations must be submitted via Academic Works
Academic Works Scholarship 101 workshop

Questions? Contact the Biology Department via e-mail at <>



Deadline: 5 p.m., April 16, 2021 (Friday)
Applications and recommendations must be submitted via Academic Works

The Department of Biology is soliciting applications for the following graduate scholarships: 3 - Arthur Nelson Scholarships for Conservation Biology (Fall 2021) will be awarded in the amount of $4,000/each to a M.S. degree candidate in any concentration in biology.



  1. Student must be currently enrolled full-time in one of the Biology Master’s degree programs in Fall of 2021 (awards will be announced end of Spring 2021 and disbursed in Fall 2021). (Master’s candidates who are working on their theses or final projects need only to be enrolled for a minimum of 6 units).
  2. Applications will be evaluated according to academic merit, ability to communicate research, and impact of scholarship.


  1. A completed application form (available online in mid-February at Academic Works and search for “Nelson Scholarship”).
  2. Unofficial, current transcripts for all previous and current graduate and undergraduate work.
  3. An essay of less than 1000 words covering the following topics: (a) description of your research and how it relates to conservation biology for a broad audience; (b) your professional goals; and (c) the impact of the scholarship would have on your life.
  4. Recommendation from your primary research mentor / SFSU academic advisor. The recommendation should detail the faculty member’s familiarity with the student, the value of the student’s proposed research, and the student’s ability to successfully conduct and complete the proposed project.
  5. A second recommendation letter from a faculty member or a supervisor.


Applications and recommendations must be submitted via Academic Works
Academic Works Scholarship 101 workshop

Questions? Contact the Biology Department via e-mail at <>


Deadline: 5 p.m., April 16, 2021 (Friday)
Applications and recommendations must be submitted via Academic Works

The Department of Biology is soliciting applications for 2 -Professor William N. Bigler Scholarships to be awarded in Fall 2021 in the amount of $1,000/each.



  1. Students must be currently enrolled minimum half-time in the Biomedical Science Master’s Program (College of Science and Engineering) or the Clinical Laboratory Science Internship Program (College of Health and Social Sciences).
  2. Applications will be evaluated according to excellence of educational development in clinical laboratory science or graduate training in biomedical sciences (biotechnology and stem cell science).



  1. A completed application form (available online in mid-February at Academic Works and search for “William N. Bigler”).
  2. Unofficial SFSU transcript.
  3. An essay of less than 1000 words covering the following topics: (a) your professional goals; (b) a brief statement describing any financial needs; (c) the impact the scholarship would have on your life.
  4. Recommendation/nomination from your SFSU program director or academic advisor.


Applications and recommendations must be submitted via Academic Works
Academic Works Scholarship 101 workshop

Questions? Contact the Biology Department via e-mail at <>