Mitzy Porras

Porras Mitzy

( She/Her/Hers )
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University
Location: Hensill Hall 762; Lab Hensill Hall 825-830; Greenhouse:10

Fields: Global Change Biology, Physiological Ecology, Behavioral Ecology

At SF State Since: 2024

Specialties: Microbe-host interactions, land cover/land use change, thermal adaptation.

My research focuses on how global change drivers alter interactions among species (microbes, plants, invertebrates) and the implications on the structure and function of populations and communities.

Our research spans various organizational and trophic levels. Employing an integrative and interdisciplinary approach, our work encompasses molecular biology, physiology, behavioral analysis, population and community ecology, and electrical engineering. Our results play a pivotal role in informing ecosystem management strategies.

  • BIOL 460 General Entomology
  • BIOL 460 Practice General Entomology
  • BIOL 699 Independent
  • BIOL 899 Independent study

Porras, M.F., Raygoza Garay, J.A., Brought, M. et al. Fungicide ingestion reduces net energy gain and microbiome diversity of the solitary mason bee. Scientific Reports 14, 3229 (2024). 

Porras MF, Navas CA, Agudelo-Cantero G, Santiago-Martínez G, Loeschcke V, Sørensen JG, Crandall S, Biddinger D,  and Rajotte EG. 2023.  Extreme heat alters the performance of hosts and pathogen.  Frontiers of Ecology and Evolution. Sec. Coevolution. 

Porras MF, McCartney  N, Raspotnig  G, Rajotte EG. 2022. Chemical footprints mediate habitat selection in co-occurring aphids. Behavioral Ecology. arac076,

Porras MF, Malacrinò A, An H, Hian Seng K, Socheath O, Norton G, Miller S, Rosa C, Rajotte E, O’Rourke ME. 2022. An integrated pest management package outperforms conventional practices for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in Cambodia. Plant Health Progress

Porras MF, Agudelo-Cantero G, Santiago, G, Navas CA, Loeschcke V, Sørensen JG, Rajotte EG. 2021.Fungal infections lead to shifts in thermal tolerance and voluntary exposure to extreme temperatures in both prey and predator insects. Scientific Reports.

Porras MF, Navas C, Marden J, De Moraes CM, et al.2020. Enhanced heat tolerance of viral-infected aphids leads to niche expansion and reduced interspecific competition. Nature Communications. 11, 1184.