Eric Routman
( He/Him/His )Fields: Ecology and Evolution
At SF State Since: 1994
Specialties: Population Genetics Quantitative Genetics Phylogeography
External Personal Website:
My research concerns the genetic aspects of evolution and involves the use of molecular techniques to enhance our understanding of adaptation. My perspective is that evolution, properly understood, involves the action of four basic parameters: Ecology (phenotype-environment interaction), Genetic Architecture, Population Structure and History. Because these parameters interact in complex ways, knowledge of all four is crucial to a complete understanding of any evolutionary process. Most evolutionary controversies occur because competing theories make different assumptions about these factors. My research, to some degree, involves all four of the above parameters. I am especially interested in the application of molecular biology to the study of genetic architecture, population structure, and historical biogeography. Recent advances in molecular biology have created exciting new possibilities for understanding these phenomena, especially when combined with new theoretical and analytical techniques.
All of my research at SF State involves undergraduate and Master's level students. Because of this I have shifted money that would, in a normal grant, be used for technician and postdoc salary to support for students. Although this slows the pace of publication considerably, the research experience becomes much richer for the students. My goal is for all of the papers coming from my lab to have student authors, with most senior-authored by students.
- Micheletti, S., E. Parra, and E.J. Routman. 2012. Adaptive color polymorphism and unusually high local genetic diversity in the side-blotched lizard, Uta stansburiana. PLoS ONE 7(10): e47694. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047694.
- Wu, J., A.C. Go, M. Samson, T. Cintra, S. Mirsoian, T.F. Wu, M.M. Jow, E. J. Routman, and Diana S. Chu. 2012. PP1 phosphatases regulate multiple stages of sperm development and motility in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics 190:143–157.
- Halstead, B.J., G.D. Wylie, M. Amarello, J.J.Smith, M.Thompson*, E.J. Routman,and M.L. Casazza. 2011. Abundance and survival of the San Francisco gartersnake in coastal San Mateo County, California. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 2:41-48.
- Tonione, M., and E.J. Routman. 2011. Microsatellite analysis supports mitochondrial phylogeography of the hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis). Genetica. 139:209–219.
- Schinske, J.N., G. Bernardi, D.K. Jacobs, and E.J. Routman. 2010. Phylogeography of the diamond turbot (Hyposopsetta guttulata) across the Baja Peninsula. Marine Biology. 157:123-134.
- Sabatino, S.J. and E.J. Routman. 2009. Phylogeography and conservation genetics of the hellbender salamander (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis). Conservation Genetics 10:1235-1246.
- Di Candia, M.R. and E.J. Routman. 2007. Cytonuclear discordance across a leopard frog contact zone. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 45:564-575.
- Kenney-Hunt, J.P., T.T. Vaughn, L.S. Pletscher, A. Peripato, E. Routman, K. Cothran, D. Durand, E. Norgard, C. Perel, J.M. Cheverud. 2006. Quantitative trait loci for body size components in mice. Mammalian Genome. 17:526-537.
- Paquin, M. M., G.D. Wylie, and E.J. Routman. 2006. Population structure of the giant gartersnake, Thamnophis gigas. Conservation Genetics. 7:25-36.