Pleuni Pennings
( She/Her/Hers )
Ph.D. Ludwig Maximillians University, Munich
Email: pennings@sfsu.edu
Office Hensill Hall 437; Lab Hensill Hall 406, 408, 409, 414
Field: Ecology and Evolution
At SF State Since: 2014
Specialties: Evolution, drug resistance, HIV, population genetics, mathematical modeling, computer simulations, (sequence) data analysis.
Pennings Lab Website:
I am an evolutionary biologist. Most of my research currently focuses the evolution of drug resistance in HIV. I want to understand what determines the rate of evolution of drug resistance so that we can find ways to halt the evolution of drug resistance.
Before switching to HIV, I worked on ants, sympatric speciation and soft sweeps. I also write and tweet and make videos.
If you have questions or would like to discuss an idea, please send me an email!