Edward Carpenter

Edward Carpenter

( He/Him/His )
North Carolina State University 
Phone: (415) 338-3732
Email: ecarpent@sfsu.edu
Location: Estuary and Ocean Science Center, #300, Building 36

At SF State Since: 2000

Specialties: Marine phytoplankton ecology, nutrient cycling, primary productivity, ocean acidification effects, microbial ecology .

Edward Carpenter is retired, but still teaching at SF State. 

Current research involves the microbial ecology of Antarctic Dry Valley glacial meltwater streams and soils. Research is also being conducted on the effects of ocean acidification on a calcifying marine phytoplankton species, Emiliania huxleyi, and the aability of this organism to acclimate and adapt to changes in ocean acidification. In future research I hope to continue research on the effects of the Amazon River outflow plume on the plankton ecology of the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Another future research endeavor involves the effects of anthropogenic and natural dust aerosols on marine phytoplankton.